1.I was introduced to this great website by my aunt. We are searching the web trying to find our family history. We are starting with the Francazio's. My grandfather was Eustachio and was born in Tocca da Casauria, the Province of Pescara in 1893. He married Orsalina Pezzone and had 2 brother's: Eugene and Gaetano and a sister Carmelia. We know that some of Carmelia's children live in New York, USA. Please email me at artsiedee@aol.com with any information. Thank you. Denise Francazio McBrayer USA

2.Ciao a tutti i Toccolani da Marino e Sonia Sticca Figli di Angele e Vittorio Sticca (Zelone) Sticca nandrin, Belgique

3.twins94au@yahoo.com.au My name is Maria Di-Federico and I live in Melbourne Australia. My father is Giovanni Di-Federico, he was born in Tocco Casauria. I would like to hear from other Di-Federico's-my aim being to get to know any of my relatives living abroad.

4.sticca69@hotmail.com Just a quick hello to tocco and my great uncle Eustacchio who lives in Tocco baci ha tutti Paolo Sticca

5.Hello, I am starting to reseach my family tree. My grandparents on both my father's and mother's side are from Tocco Casauria, Abruzzi. The family have been living in Australia since the 1950's. Some family names are: D'Angelo, Pietromartire, Forcucci, Presutto, Gagliardi, Coia, Pettinella, Pietrosanto, Sticca, Senese, Sonsinni. If you have any information or family connections, please email me. Thanks Anna Forcucci Melbourne, Victoria Australia

6.great site... father was born in tocco casauria in 1898... eugene iacuone follansbee, wv usa

7.I was so happy to find a website dedicated to my home town of ToccoCasauria!!! Antonio Del Rosso

8.Would like to correspond with anyone researching these names from Tocco da Casauria or surrounding areas. LOMBARDI, COIA, DIDONATO, RISCHITELLI, and PIETROMARTIRE. Thanks Aimee OKC, OK USA Would like to find info. on Maria Rischitelli born (1858)in Tocco da Casauria to Antonio Rischitelli and Isabelle Pietromartire. Also Nunziata Coia born in 1884 to Antonio Coia Born 1845 and Caterina DiDonato. All from Tocco. Please help. Thanks, Aimee Not many Rischitelli's and Coia's out there from where I have been looking. An Abruzzi researcher posted me a message that they had found a death act and other documents on some of my ancestors. How do I go about getting a copy? I am very interested, but I understand you have several thousand people wanting the same thing every day. My great grandfather was : Eustachio Lombardi (B. 29 Dec. 1885 in Tocco da Casauria). His father Vincenzo Lombardi (unknown history- Eustachio's oldest son is still alive and told me he thought he remembered Vincenzo visiting family in Milan) and mother Maria Rischitelli- you said you had found a death act on her dating 1893 with a declarer named Carmine Lombardi, possibly a brother to Vincenzo. I am very interested in getting a copy of the death act and whatever else I can find. I would also like to have a copy of Eustachio's birth and marriage act, with other documents attached which you had also found. His wife, Annunziata Coia born also in Tocco. Her father Antonio Coia and Caterina DiDonato owned a macaroni shop in Pescara, do you know how I could get information on something like that? If you can find or know where I can find any information on Antonio Coia (born 1845 in Tocco) and Caterina DiDonato, I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND EVERYTHING YOU DO! Please let me know how to obtain copies of the records. Thank you With warmest regards, I am searching for lost relatives and more information on my great-great grandparents from Tocco da Casauria Vincenzo Lombardi (possibly had family in Milan) married Maria Rischitelli. Their son Eustachio Lombardi (born abt 1885)married Nunziata Coia . I know she had 3 brothers who moved to Australia.

9.indymed@earthlink.net my greatgrandfather---Pasquale Uberto I am tracing my grandfather's geneology his father's name was Randuccio Uberti. He was born in Tocco da Casaria, Abruzzi. Born in 1-1-1905 to Pasquale and Gemma Uberto. Pasquale came to America year unknown to me, followed by Gemma and Randuccio and a daughter named Lena in 1911 when my grandfather was 5-6 yrs old.(don't know if that was her name in Italy.)

10. This website has brought me some real joy. I found a new relative (by marriage) in Australia, I found a niece of my father's that I didn't know lived there as well. And now, it looks like I'm going to visit Tocco Casauria with a cousin from Australia who I have not yet met. My heart is full. Any relatives from Tocco Casauria please write. My grandparents were Fiore and Filomena Varrassi. Vincent Varrassi Westwood, New Jersey USA

11.saluti' a gli amici di Tocco Casauria, Raffaele Rizio Trumbull, CT USA

12.Hi,my name is Lisa De Stefanis I am the daughter of Tonino De Stefanis e Filomena Santilli Da Tocco Casauria provinca Pescara and I think that this is a great idea for people to try and find their relatives and if they are not in italy they could be somewhere else in the world. I know that I have relatives in Italy and also in the united states of america. I hope that my relatives are out there and that they respond to this note and one day we can hopefully meet. bye for now...... Lisa De Stefanis Melbourne , Victoria Australia sono Antonio De Stefanis, nato a Tocco Da Casauria. Se ci sono dei De Stefanis con un E-Mail vorrei che mi scrivono Antonio De Stefanis Melbourne, Victoria Australia

13. Vinnie211@aol.com Once again I ask if any of the descendants of Fiore and Filomena Varrassi are on line. My name is vincent Varrassi and I live in New Jersey although my father, Vincenzo and his brother Eustacchio started our families on Staten Island in New York City. I know that the family names of my cousins in Tocco Casauria would be Salce, Smarelli and Rischitelli and I have met once, Ezio Smarelli and Francesca Salce when they came to America. If you a relative or if you know one of my cousins let them know I would like to hear from them. I have friends and relatives in america who will help me to translate their letters into English. Thank you. My name is Vincent Varrassi, son of Vincenzo Varrassi, nephew of Eustachio Varrassi and Grandson of Fiore and Filomena Varrassi. I would like to write to any of my cousins from Tooco Casuria, the children of Pasquallina Smarrelli, Maria Rischipelli, Isoletta Salce. I cannot speak the Italian language but I have friends who will help me translate letters. Vinnie211@aol.com. Please write.

14.luleerose@aol.com Orlando Farchione Grandmother-Lucia Mastrogiuesppe Farchione Constantino Farchione Father Ralph DiDonta Grandfather - Grandmother Rosa Sarrentonio Mother Maria DiDonato all from Tocco and Salle GF-Orlando Farchione from Tocco First generation american. My father was from Tocco Constantino Farchione, Grandfather Orlando Farchione. Grandmother Lucia Farchione maiden name Mastrogiuseppe from Sulmona. My mother side: Maiden name Maria DiDonato. Granfather's name Ralphlia DiDonato Grandmothers maiden name Rosa Sorrentino (Salle)? Lucille Farchione Worcester, MA USA GM-Lucia Mastrogiuesspe from Pratol Pelgina GF-Ralpael DiDonato from Salle GM-Rosa Sarrentonio from Salle Both sets of grandparents immgrated to New York in the 1930's looking for relatives in Italy and anywhere else, Thank you

15.I was born in ToccoCasauria Provincia di Pescara. I have not been able to find much infomation/historical on Tocco. Is there a Hotel or Pensione a Tocco? ANNA MARIA (DELROSSO) PARRISH Ohio U.S.A.

16.Bigdoglovr@aol.com fatI'm looking for information on my great grandfather, Domenico Stromei. He was from Tocco Casauria and was a poet. Thanks for any help. Fran Steele, North Carolina, US. antoinet@ucla.edu My grandmother was born in Tocco in 1909. Her name was Elvira Stromei.She married an older man named Eustachio Caiolfi and moved to Steubenville Ohio. From what I can gather her father's uncle was Domenico Stromei, making her a relative of yours. I too have been seeking information about him. I visited the town for the first time last summer. I wonder if you know of the scholar and Toccolose named Sandro Sticca, a professsor of romance languages at SUNY-Binghampton. He has written a small book about DS. It came into my possession some years ago via my grandmother, who had received it from Prof Sticca. You may want to contact him. He says he is in regular contact with the remaining Stromeis there. Good luck and I hope to hear from you again. greg critser

17.marinelloj@aol.comMy grandparents are from Tocca. Names are Lupone and Macciocca. They left in the 1890's for San Paulo Brazil. We have Macciocca relatives there. Anyone know how to contact people in Brazil?

18.fivedifeds@aol.com My grandparents came to the U.S. from Tocco Da Casauria in Abruzzo and settled in the Ohio and Indiana areas. I'm looking for other DiFederico families that settled in the NE U.S or DiFedericos still

19.juno610@hotmail.com I'm trying to trace my Tucci family roots in Italy. My great-great-grandfather, Carmine Tucci, died in Tocco Casauria in 1926. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me! My grandmothers sister, Olympia Dematteo, married a Tucci in Lettomanoppello, early 1900's. They came to Newport, RI and she died at 105 years old. I visited there this year and met some family members. Quite an experience and hope to go again..

20.Chigioni@ptd.net I am trying to reconstruct the family tree of my grandparents who were born in Tocco da Casauria. Any information on the Mariani, Follacchio, Sinni, Pinti, Colella or Bonadies families would be greatly appreciated. I am the son of Olga Sticca (maiden name) who migrated from Tocco in 1955. My late Godfather whose name was Armando Mariani who also migrated from Tocco. My mother still has a brother and a sister living in Tocco their names are Donatuccio and Nicolina Sticca. Mariani's wife and two sons and their families still live near us in Sydney. If we can help any further contact us.

Toccolano Paisano