Tuesday 11/09/2004 5:05:23pm Name: Agapito Tarquinio E-Mail: prevent00@yahoo.com Homepage Title: toccolano Homepage URL: http://members.lycos.co.uk/toccolano/ Referred By: Friend Location: Schenectady, NY 12306 Comments: ciao sono il figlio di Giovanni Tarquinio ,non ricordo tanta gente in tocco ma vorrei parlare con amici ,FilippoCoia il fratello Lucio , Mimmo e Mauro Di Roberto e altri amici della classe del 54 .grazie Agapito Tarquinio prevent00@yahoo.com phone: 518 355 0129 18 Kelly Lane
Sunday 10/31/2004 10:44:06pm Name: Luisa Senese E-Mail: louisa@beanstalktraining.com.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Melbourne, Australia Comments: Updating, as my email address has changed. Thanks for those who have been in contact with me, and apologies for those who tried and had not updated my address yet. Thanks USA Schenectady NY 12306
Tuesday 09/28/2004 2:55:57pm Name: Judy Kreitzer E-Mail: jakamp@rcn.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Brewster, NY, USA Comments: Hi Mario, Just dropped by to see what's new, I really love to see these photos, makes me feel complete.
Saturday 08/28/2004 9:14:38pm Name: Ciro E-Mail: c_mello@yahoo.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http://salce.zip.net Referred By: E-Mail Location: Comments: Thank for the website.I would like to be able to keep contact with the people of the Salce family, therefore I am looking for my relatives who will immigrate for US. The photos are in link http://salce.zip.net Tanti saliti
Tuesday 07/13/2004 1:07:01am Name: Frank Farchione E-Mail: ff2544@crcstalb.melb.catholic.edu.au Homepage Title: N/A Homepage URL: http://N/A Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Melbourne, Australia Comments: Hi, I'm Frank Farchione. I'm 31 years old and indeed I am of Toccolano background. My father(Antonio "Tony") was born in Tocco in 1943. He migrated to Australia in 1956. He is the 3rd youngest of 10 children. All his siblings live in Melbourne except for one of his sisters who now lives in another Abbruzzese town called Torrevecchia near Chieti (This sister did live in Melbourne for a number of years however and married and had children here). His parents (Giuseppe Farchione & Camilla Santilli) both migrated to Melbourne and have now passed on. My mother (Adele De Vincentis) was born in Tocco in 1950. She is the 2nd oldest of 4 children. Mum's mother (Concetta Smarrelli) died in Tocco when my mother was quite young. My grandfather (Fernando De Vincentis) remarried Lucia. My mother migrated to Australia with her family in 1963. Her youngest sister, Concetta was brought up in Melbourne but now lives in Tocco. In 1993 while I was attending Latrobe University in Melbourne, I met a girl who eventually became my wife. Incredibly, her parents were also born in Tocco. Although there are many Toccolani in Melbourne this was a strange coincidence. My wife (Elly Lanza) is the daughter of Eustachio Lanza & Gabriella Marino.
Friday 04/16/2004 12:12:26am Name: Peter Tocco E-Mail: ptocco1@comcast.net Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: Nice site. I'd like to visit this place some day. Are there any Toccos living around there? Did Tocco's have anything to do with the origin. thanks
Tuesday 03/30/2004 7:34:55am Name: Eugene Melideo E-Mail: Melideo@optusnet.com.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Melbourne Australia Comments: Rocco Melideo is my father He has just turned 70 and has seven grand children ///////// AND I WAS YOUR FATHER'S BEST FRIEND UNTIL MY FAMILY DEPARTED FOR THE US IN 1946. I HAVE 20 grandchildren. marioi@ptd.net toccolano paisano, mario
Monday 03/01/2004 2:48:14pm Name: Madeline E-Mail: MADG216@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: USA Comments: My dad came to America when he was four years old, that would be 1908 with his parents and also on the boat was Petronella Presutti(Sinni), eventually in years later she became my grandmother thru her daughter Adeline Rose who married my father Gregorio (George) Mariano (Mariani). She married my dad on September 5, 1937 in Brooklyn, New York USA.If you require more information, please let me know. Thank you for your assistance. Caio, Madeline Mariano (Mariani) Grosso
Wednesday 11/05/2003 0:53:02am Name: Patricia Smarrelli E-Mail: psmarrelli@excite.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Melbourne, Australia Comments: Hi All, My name is Patricia and my father is Toccolano - Antonio Smarrelli. I am first generation Australian and have just returned to Australia after spending 8 years living in Italy. The most beautiful place to live. Anyways, just wanted to say great site and hi to all.
Monday 07/07/2003 10:11:30am Name: Patrick Iezzoni E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:////http. Referred By: Friend Location: summit hill Comments: i like the website grandad.
Location: melbourne australia Comments: hi my name is lucy, my father is mariani and my mother sticca, i still have relations living in tocco i would like to start a family tree. thank yo Location: Melbourne Australia Comments: Both parents are from Tocco. Ettore (71) and Maria (70). They came to Australia in 1952. Had 4 bambinos. I am the second child, first son named after my Grandfather Vincenzo who worked in America for many years before returning to Italy. I am now 44 years old. My mothers maiden name is Pietromatire (nickname Maria di tubin)
Location: Costa Mesa, California USA Comments: I have to ask my father a few questions and I am sure he will have some of you.
Monday 01/13/2003 4:28:59am Name: di florio maria E-Mail: lpietromartire@optusnet.com.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: australia Comments: been here since july 1964 have 2 children Loronzo and Antonlla
Wednesday 01/08/2003 9:03:43am Name: Judith Kreitzer E-Mail: jakamp@rcn.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Friend Location: Brewster, New York Comments: Hi, My family has the names Iacuone, Guardiani, Pinti and Pietromartire. I have tried to contact the following people but there email addresses did not work. I would love to hear from Eugene Iacuone and Patricia Pietromartire or anyone who may have a connection with these names. I love this site!
Saturday 12/28/2002 11:18:23pm Name: Maryann Capone-Valentino E-Mail: Browneyes328@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Long Island, New York, USA Comments: Hi All, Just found this site and recognized names in my family, who are all from Tocco or descended from Tocco! (Sinni, Pettinella(i), and I am the grandaughter of Vincenzo Capone. I visited Tocco two times in the early 80s with my grandparents and loved visiting! Ciao!
Friday 05/03/2002 1:55:48am Name: Luisa Senese E-Mail: luisa.senese@lgagroup.com.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Melbourne Australia Comments: Have been to Tocco twice, had a great time both times. It would be great to know who has an e-mail address living in Toccoland. Til next time....
Saturday 03/23/2002 6:44:45am Name: Catherine Bernardone E-Mail: zizi1966@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Massachusetts Comments: I was looking up Tocco,and was surprised to find this! My Mother was born there...her maiden name is Bonadies. I'm also related to the Croce family, etc... My father is from Bolognano/San Valentino. I visited Tocco about 8 years ago, I absolutely loved it!! Ciao!
Sunday 02/24/2002 4:27:31pm Name: Luigi Camera E-Mail: masseria.villagiulia@libero.it Homepage Title: Az. Agr: "La Masseria di Villa Giulia" Homepage URL: Referred By: E-Mail Location: Tocco da Casauria (Pescara) - Italia Comments: Questo è il mio nuovo indirizzo E-Mail. Quello scritto in data 03/01/2001 non è più valido. Grazie a coloro che vorranno scrivermi.
Saturday 02/09/2002 3:45:50pm Name: Liberata Rischitelli E-Mail: rischidiva@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Melb. Australia Comments: The surname 'Rischitelli' has been recorded as far back at 1660. Has anyone found any information as to its origins? We are few! I would love to hear from you. Saluti a tutti i Toccolani. Nice little 'paese' you've got there!
Sunday 01/13/2002 8:43:36am Name: Adrian Uberti E-Mail: uberti@telstra.com.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Melbourne Comments: I know heaps on the Uberti / Uberto history. Share with me some of yours and I can help you with yours
Wednesday 01/09/2002 7:47:14pm Name: Stefania Romano E-Mail: denstef1@aol.com.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Melbourne Australia Comments: I was in Tocco in summer 1991. I came with my cousin Gino Sinni and we made a lot of good friends. Too anyone that remebers us, we would like to say a big hello and we think of our time in Tocco often. Some of the friends are Valeria, manola,mimmo,stefano,loris,marco de angelis, Saluti a tutti quanti da Stefania e Gino. Siamo i cugini di Francesca, Angelo, Marialisa e Luana Salce. It would be wonderful if someone would write back. Bye Bye
Wednesday 01/09/2002 6:47:13pm Name: Stefania Romano E-Mail: denstef1@aol.com.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: My mother is Bruna Sinni, So I am half Toccolano. My granmother is Paqualina Cirrone and granfather is Gregrio Sinni
Name: celeste Andruzzi E-Mail: candruzzi@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: Granddaughter of Settimia Stromei and Cesidio Paparella
Saturday 11/24/2001 0:25:22am Name: greg novelli E-Mail: campari5@msn.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: akron, ohio Comments: both my fathers pparents were toccolani we have surnames of rizio, guardiano, tucci, santilli, pietromartire and novelli would like to hear from all, thank you
Thursday 10/11/2001 3:22:59am Name: Juliana Di Iulio E-Mail: drjdi@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Melbourne, Australia Comments: Hi, if there are any Di Iulio's out there, I'd like to hear from you.
Tuesday 10/02/2001 11:23:48am Name: Antonio DelRosso E-Mail: m.delrosso@att.net Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: To Steve from the U.K. I hope you can contact me again because I believe we definitely are related. I tried to E-mail you but something about the address or service was incorrect. please try to reaach me again. Antonio
Friday 06/08/2001 10:58:34pm Name: Patti Frye E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: North Carolina Comments: In 1993 my great -uncle, Rev.Italo Tucci,(born in Tocco)gave me a history of the Tucci family (my mom's family)that he had put together. I've always been curious about Tocco so I thought I'd see what I could find--this is great! Someday, I'd like to visit and see where my grandfather,Sylvio Tucci (who I never knew) and his family were born and lived until they immigrated to USA. My great-great grandfather was Carmine Tucci,great-grandfather was Eustachio Tucci who was married to Santarella DelVecchio.
Monday 05/07/2001 1:19:58am Name: vincenzo sticca E-Mail: vinces@udp.com.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: melbourne Australia Comments: hello to the toccolani all over the world
Monday 04/30/2001 2:50:26pm Name: vincenzo salce E-Mail: vsalce@catholic.org Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: st. Joseph seminary u.s.a Comments: just a note to say hello to all my friends in tocco. Roberto Marinelle, Salce and Dell Rosso Family. and especially Don Luigi.
Saturday 03/24/2001 3:42:25am Name: Mario Pietromartire E-Mail: bomar@mweb.co.za Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Johannesburg , South Africca Comments: Ciao, Toccolani
Friday 03/23/2001 4:17:08pm Name: Sticca E-Mail: sonia.sticca@yucom.be Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Friend Location: Comments: Saluti a tutti i Toccolani. Da Marino e Sonia Sticca (zelone) dal Belgio.
Sunday 03/18/2001 2:14:57pm Name: Susan Sonsini(Woods) E-Mail: suewoods@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: Thanks for the great website. My father Joe was born in Tocco in 1906 and immigrated to Philadelphia 4 years later with parents Antonio & Assunta & sister Marie 18 months. Also came with Assunta's parents, last name Dionisio. Left Philadelphia shortly thereafter and settled in Richmond IN. Joe & family settled in San Jose in 1944. I was born in San Jose. Cousins all over, Florida, Indiana, the Carolina's. I was in Tocco in 1995...I loved it!!!
Friday 02/16/2001 10:23:18pm Name: Pasquale Di Nicolantonio E-Mail: lp@coverlids.com.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Melbourne, Australia Comments: My mothers maiden name is Mattucci and my grandmothers maiden name was Di Carlo I would love to hear from any Mattuccis or Di Carlos from around the world.
I was so happy to find a website dedicated to my home town of ToccoCasauria!!! Antonio DelRosso
Would like to correspond with anyone researching these names from Tocco da Casauria or surrounding areas. LOMBARDI, COIA, DIDONATO, RISCHITELLI, and PIETROMARTIRE. Thanks Aimee OKC, OK USA
Posted by on 07/11/00 at 6:45 PM Subject: my greatgrandfather---Pasquale Uberto Message Posted I am tracing my grandfather's geneology his father's name was Randuccio Uberti. He was born in Tocco da Casaria, Abruzzi. Born in 1-1-1905 to Pasquale and Gemma Uberto. Pasquale came to America year unknown to me, followed by Gemma and Randuccio and a daughter named Lena in 1911 when my grandfather was 5-6 yrs old.(don't know if that was her name in Italy.) Any information anyone has regarding my family I would appreciate hearing from you. Thanks Ann
Posted by on 07/06/00 at 10:55 PM Subject: Searching for Rischitelli's and Coia's Message Posted Would like to find info. on Maria Rischitelli born (1858)in Tocco da Casauria to Antonio Rischitelli and Isabelle Pietromartire. Also Nunziata Coia born in 1884 to Antonio Coia Born 1845 and Caterina DiDonato. All from Tocco. Please help. Thanks, Aimee Not many Rischitelli's and Coia's out there from where I have been looking.
Posted by on 05/24/00 at 3:31 PM Subject: Reply to Abruzzi Researcher Message Posted An Abruzzi researcher posted me a message that they had found a death act and other documents on some of my ancestors. How do I go about getting a copy? I am very interested, but I understand you have several thousand people wanting the same thing every day. My great grandfather was : Eustachio Lombardi (B. 29 Dec. 1885 in Tocco da Casauria). His father Vincenzo Lombardi (unknown history- Eustachio's oldest son is still alive and told me he thought he remembered Vincenzo visiting family in Milan) and mother Maria Rischitelli- you said you had found a death act on her dating 1893 with a declarer named Carmine Lombardi, possibly a brother to Vincenzo. I am very interested in getting a copy of the death act and whatever else I can find. I would also like to have a copy of Eustachio's birth and marriage act, with other documents attached which you had also found. His wife, Annunziata Coia born also in Tocco. Her father Antonio Coia and Caterina DiDonato owned a macaroni shop in Pescara, do you know how I could get information on something like that? If you can find or know where I can find any information on Antonio Coia (born 1845 in Tocco) and Caterina DiDonato, I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND EVERYTHING YOU DO! Please let me know how to obtain copies of the records. Thank you With warmest regards, Aimee
Posted by on 05/21/00 at 11:49 AM Subject: Lombardi/Coia/DiDonato/Rischitelli's of Tocco da Casauria I am searching for lost relatives and more information on my great-great grandparents from Tocco da Casauria Vincenzo Lombardi (possibly had family in Milan) married Maria Rischitelli. Their son Eustachio Lombardi (born abt 1885) married Nunziata Coia . I know she had 3 brothers who moved to Australia. Nunziata Coia's parents Antonio Coia (Born 1845) and married Caterina DiDonato. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Aimee
This website has brought me some real joy. I found a new relative (by marriage) in Australia, I found a niece of my father's that I didn't know lived there as well. And now, it looks like I'm going to visit Tocco Casauria with a cousin from Australia who I have not yet met. My heart is full. Any relatives from Tocco Casauria please write. My grandparents were Fiore and Filomena Varrassi. Vincent Varrassi <> Westwood, New Jersey USA
Hi,my name is Lisa De Stefanis I am the daughter of Tonino De Stefanis e Filomena Santilli Da Tocco Casauria provinca Pescara and I think that this is a great idea for people to try and find their relatives and if they are not in italy they could be somewhere else in the world. I know that I have relatives in Italy and also in the united states of america. I hope that my relatives are out there and that they respond to this note and one day we can hopefully meet. bye for now......
Lisa De Stefanis <> Melbourne , Victoria Australia Message Posted Once again I ask if any of the descendants of Fiore and Filomena Varrassi are on line. My name is vincent Varrassi and I live in New Jersey although my father, Vincenzo and his brother Eustacchio started our families on Staten Island in New York City. I know that the family names of my cousins in Tocco Casauria would be Salce, Smarelli and Rischitelli and I have met once, Ezio Smarelli and Francesca Salce when they came to America. If you a relative or if you know one of my cousins let them know I would like to hear from them. I have friends and relatives in america who will help me to translate their letters into English. Thank you.
Message Posted My name is Vincent Varrassi, son of Vincenzo Varrassi, nephew of Eustachio Varrassi and Grandson of Fiore and Filomena Varrassi. I would like to write to any of my cousins from Tooco Casuria, the children of Pasquallina Smarrelli, Maria Rischipelli, Isoletta Salce. I cannot speak the Italian language but I have friends who will help me translate letters. Vinnie211@aol.com. Please write.
Message Posted I am searching for more information on my greatgreat grandparents Vincenzo Lombardi, Maria Rischitelli, Caterina DiDonato and Nunziata Coia all of Tocco da Casauria. Vincenzo Lombardi's family possibly in Milan.
Posted by on 02/15/00 at 6:11 PM Subject: Family names: Farchione,DiDonato, Mastrogiuesppe,Sarrentonio from Salle and Tocco Message Posted GF-Orlando Farchione from Tocco GM-Lucia Mastrogiuesspe from Pratol Pelgina GF-Ralpael DiDonato from Salle GM-Rosa Sarrentonio from Salle Both sets of grandparents immgrated to New York in the 1930's looking for relatives in Italy and anywhere else, Thank you
Posted by on January 26, 2000 at 18:06:20: Subject: looking for family tree Message Posted: Orlando Farchione Grandmother-Lucia Mastrogiuesppe Farchione Constantino Farchione Father Ralph DiDonta Grandfather - Grandmother Rosa Sarrentonio Mother Maria DiDonato all from Tocco and Salle I was born in ToccoCasauria Provincia di Pescara. I have not been able to find much infomation/historical on Tocco. Is there a Hotel or Pensione a Tocco? ANNA MARIA (DELROSSO) PARRISH <> Ohio U.S.A.
Posted by on December 27, 1998 at 20:38:36: My grandparents are from Tocca. Names are Lupone and Macciocca. They left in the 1890's for San Paulo Brazil. We have Macciocca relatives there. Anyone know how to contact people in Brazil?
Posted by on April 26, 1999 at 15:07:06: My grandparents came to the U.S. from Tocco Da Casauria in Abruzzo and settled in the Ohio and Indiana areas. I'm looking for other DiFederico families that settled in the NE U.S or DiFedericos still living in Italy. I'd like to try to find the link between our branches of the family tree.
Posted by on March 21, 1999 at 22:58:53: In Reply to: posted by Mary Frances Stromei Steele on January 03, 1999 at 23:03:43: : My grandmother was born in Tocco in 1909. Her name was Elvira Stromei. She married an older man named Eustachio Caiolfi and moved to Steubenville Ohio. From what I can gather her father's uncle was Domenico Stromei, making her a relative of yours. I too have been seeking information about him. I visited the town for the first time last summer. I wonder if you know of the scholar and Toccolose named Sandro Sticca, a professsor of romance languages at SUNY-Binghampton. He has written a small book about DS. It came into my possession some years ago via my grandmother, who had received it from Prof Sticca. You may want to contact him. He says he is in regular contact with the remaining Stromeis there. Good luck and I hope to hear from you again. greg critser
Posted by on March 21, 1999 at 22:49:25: In Reply to: posted by Mary Frances Stromei Steele on January 03, 1999 at 23:03:43: : I'm looking for information on my great grandfather, Domenico Stromei. He was from Tocco Casauria and was a poet. Thanks for any help. Fran Steele, North Carolina, US.
Posted by on March 10, 1999 at 14:41:11: I'm trying to trace my Tucci family roots in Italy. My great-great-grandfather, Carmine Tucci, died in Tocco Casauria in 1926. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me! maria
Posted by on February 27, 1999 at 04:25:05: In Reply to: posted by David Mariani on September 04, 1998 at 22:53:42: : I am trying to reconstruct the family tree of my grandparents who were born in Tocco da Casauria. Any information on the Mariani, Follacchio, Sinni, Pinti, Colella or Bonadies families would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by on February 27, 1999 at 04:16:43: In Reply to: posted by Alfredo Chigioni Mother's maiden name Sticca Olga. on February 27, 1999 at 04:02:05: I am trying to reconstruct the family tree of my grandparents who were born in Tocco da Casauria. Any information on the Mariani, Follacchio, Sinni, Pinti, Colella or Bonadies families would be greatly appreciated. I am the son of Olga Sticca (maiden name) who migrated from Tocco in 1955. My late Godfather whose name was Armando Mariani who also migrated from Tocco. My mother still has a brother and a sister living in Tocco their names are Donatuccio and Nicolina Sticca. Mariani's wife and two sons and their families still live near us in Sydney. If we can help any further contact us.
Posted by on September 04, 1998 at 22:53:42: I am trying to reconstruct the family tree of my grandparents who were born in Tocco da Casauria. Any information on the Mariani, Follacchio, Sinni, Pinti, Colella or Bonadies families would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, February 16, 1999 at 18:50:33 (CST)great site father was born in tocco casauria eugene iacuone <> follansbee, wv usa